Welcome to the Sunnycrest Oasis Resources.

A place for all to worship.  Here you will find the current sermon series we are going through and a weekly small group study sheet.  All are welcome to worship.  Let’s worship together.

Fear - Fear of Myself

Where is the line between fear and control? Or is it fear of not having control? When we got into the topic of fear we began to sort them out into what is our greatest fears as people who are working on following Christ. Fear of not being forgiven. Fear of not being accepted by people in the church. Fear of not being accepted by people outside of the church. Fear of letting go of control. Fear of people thinking you are weird if you say you believe or you share your story about faith. All of these are fears that we all face and try to defeat.

Lent - Mary Magdalene

I want you to think of this, because most likely we have not, think of those first disciples and how they were blown off course by the crucifixion of Jesus. Everything they have been doing for the last three years just got blown out of the water. Jesus is dead, now what. Some had to think their journey was now over. Others just went back to their old lives, no longer able to navigate the places Jesus had taken them. Now what.

Lent - Simon Peter

We know what we should do, but we just can’t. We can’t seem to muster up the energy or strength to do. And a lot of this describes the disciple Peter. This makes Peter very much like you and me.

Lent - Thomas

Today we to talk about this Disciple known as Thomas. Or most commonly called Doubting Thomas because he doubted that Jesus has resurrected. Here is the thing about Thomas. We do not hear that much about him in the bible, but there is so much to learn from Thomas.

Lent - Emmaus

We are going to take a little different look at things today. Yes, we are still focusing on the three days from when Jesus died to Jesus was resurrected, but this is looking at people in general during this time. Let’s begin with our scripture.

Lent - Paul

We are moving on to a time after the resurrection and
probably the most well known Christian in this world beside Jesus. That is Paul, once known as Saul. This great character of the bible.is responsible for writing some of the most argued scriptures in the bible.

Lent - Jesus

As we dig further into this Third Day sermon series, we are going to focus on the days leading up to the death of Jesus. Today is Palm Sunday and we are going to focus on the people of this day. But, I want to start with a reminder of how Jesus was setting the tone for the coming days.

Revolution - Will You Do This

We have been in this discussion of having a personal revolution and what that looks like. How do you start? Priorities? Can you even begin to do this? And now the big question? Will you do this? Will you start working on your own transformation to be more like Jesus.

Revolution - No More Waiting

We are on our last session on our own personal revolution. We have talked about the importance of Jesus being the first priority in your life. We have talked about setting aside own personal desires and moving into kingdom desires. We talked about how the world keeps us so busy, we are challenged to try and find time for God. This is probably going to push you outside of your comfort zone in many ways. We are talking about now is the time to move into your personal revolution. But with that, there are a couple of more things we need to talk about. Let's dive in!

Fear - Fear of not being accepted

Now we dive into this other fear. It’s another fear that can pull our focus away from God and in return, we start to fade from Christ. Do you ever long for approval? I do. Sometimes I fear the real me isn’t enough and I’ll be rejected. I want to be seen with all my weaknesses and flaws, including all the gunk I hide deep inside, and still be wanted and valued. Acceptance means to be received as I am. Not having to achieve or prove anything or meet someone’s expectations. It’s the freedom to be me and that’s enough.

Fear - Fear of What My Inner Circle Will Think

Fear - Fear Of Forgiveness

This fear is the one that probably does the most damage to us. It’s the one that is like an anchor that just keeps pulling us down. This fear is a really tough one to face and deal with. This is the fear of forgiving ourselves for our past transgressions.